We missed the offer on the parkside multitool from lidl - I cannot believe it was only € 34.99* .

Now we have to go an get a more expensive one, the SoniCrafter from Worx (AKA - in the USA - Rockwell SoniCrafter) we located the oscillating tool at praxis, it is more expensive about € 89, but reviews are excelent and I am posting here the overview video from YouTube.
This is exactly what I need to tackle my stairs renovation, I'll post before and after pictures - see stairs-renovation link
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Now we have to go an get a more expensive one, the SoniCrafter from Worx (AKA - in the USA - Rockwell SoniCrafter) we located the oscillating tool at praxis, it is more expensive about € 89, but reviews are excelent and I am posting here the overview video from YouTube.
This is exactly what I need to tackle my stairs renovation, I'll post before and after pictures - see stairs-renovation link
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