Tuesday, 15 December 2009
" Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year " "Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo " Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar "
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
El Mundo de los Niños or Childcraft The How and Why Library
My favorite book was number 11 - Do It Yourself (before I didn't know I was doing D.I.Y
But also the fairytales books, the Nature volume, the travel and the 7 wonders of the ancient word ... oh what a super collection of knowledge, so beautifully crafted , so many amazing illustrations is a truly treasure...
I can't wait to get them home!!!!

La enciclopedia se creo en 1930s by W. F. Quarrie & Company, el titulo original es "Childcraft: The How and Why Library" por los sesenta la enciclopedia ya era muy popular y en los setenta la coleccion se tradujo a diferentes idiomas (entre ellos el castellano) con el titulo El mundo de los niños (editado por Salvat) - pero tambien puedes encontrar versiones de la enciclopedia en Italiano (I QUINDICI) o Frances (editadas por otras editoriales, no salvat)
Hoy en dia World Book sigue editando y modernizando la enciclopedia el ultimo Copyright que aparece es del 2006. contacta directamente con ellos, quizas te puedan orientar mejor donde encontra la enciclopedia con el idioma que prefieres

Wednesday, 11 November 2009
zylom social
Zylom is growing,
but we still need to achieve 2000+ users on twitter
& 9000+ users on facebook by the end of 2009.
You can help us!
Join our social communities!
Tell your friends now!
Delicious surprises will follow soon.
on Facebook Zylom Games Fan Club http://www.facebook.com/zylom
on Twitter Zylom http://www.twitter.com/zylom
on YouTube Zylomgames Channel http://www.youtube.com/zylomgames
Monday, 12 October 2009
image candy
Friday, 18 September 2009
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
the day is just starting
next blog....
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Friday, 24 July 2009
google wave
Google tell us that is a new model for communication and collaboration on the web; People can communicate and work together with richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more. using google email, google docs, twitter, youtube, y Aim all that for september

and the question remain; is this going to be the next facebook?
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Do You Have These 11 Traits of Highly Creative People?
Would you like to be more creative in your copy and blogging? It’s really not as hard or mysterious as you might think.
One roadblock that prevents many people from boosting their creativity is the notion that creativity is linked to intelligence. Another roadblock is the idea that creative people are born that way.
So if you’re not super smart or born with the creative “gift,” the natural reaction is to shrug your shoulders and give up. That’s probably a bad move.
Research shows that once you get slightly above an average I.Q., intelligence and creativity are not related. So you could be a genius and display little creativity or have fairly average intelligence and wield amazing creative powers.
And to a large degree, creativity is a learned behavior. It’s a matter of how you approach things, how you act or react to new circumstances, your proclivity to look at things in different ways, your willingness to question, experiment, and take chances. In other words, creativity is not “what you are” as much as “what you do.”
Think of creativity as a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. To increase your creativity, you simply need to “act” like a creative person. Not surprisingly, people recognized as creative tend to share common traits.
Highly creative people:
- Have the COURAGE to try new things and risk failure. Every big breakthrough starts as a harebrained idea. This doesn’t mean you should constantly go off the deep end, just that you should balance your routine portfolio of solutions with an investment in the new and untried. Over time, the risk is usually worth the reward.
- Use INTUITION as well as logic to make decisions and produce ideas. When Matt Drudge designed his Web site, he listened to his gut instead of the Internet gurus. He kept it simple, small, fast, and some would say ugly and primitive. But it works for him, making The Drudge Report one of the most recognizable and popular sites in the world.
- Like to PLAY, since humor and fun are the ultimate creative act. Which is to say you just have to lighten up. We all have goals, and quotas, and deadlines, but it’s not life and death. When you enjoy yourself, your brain relaxes and is able to produce more and better ideas. One of those ideas may be just what you’re looking for.
- Are EXPRESSIVE and willing to share what they feel and think, to be themselves. Blogging is the ideal arena for injecting your personality into your work. People are emotional creatures and respond better to people who appear real, honest, and open. Not only is it more interesting, it can also be more persuasive.
- Can FIND ORDER in confusion and discover hidden meaning in information. Research and critical thinking are key tools for the creative person. Information is to the brain what food is to the stomach. So-called “writer’s block” or creative burnout almost always results from a lack of fresh information and having nothing meaningful to say.
- Are MOTIVATED BY A TASK rather than by external rewards. You must like the challenge of writing, explaining, teaching, and persuading. Sure, you can make money along the way, but if you’re in it just for the money, you’re not going to be a fountain of new ideas.
- Have a need to FIND SOLUTIONS to challenging problems. Even the most creative writers won’t have a solution for everything. If they claim to, they’ve stopped thinking. Highly creative people are those whose eyes light up at a question they can’t answer. That’s the opportunity to learn something new and produce remarkably creative content.
- Will CHALLENGE ASSUMPTIONS and ask hard questions to discover what is real. Writing, blogging, or business rules aren’t really rules, only rules of thumb. If you want to wield true creative power, you will always take what others advise with a grain of salt. (That includes all of us gurus who love to don our pointy wizard hats and pontificate on the secrets of success.) If you don’t know something from personal knowledge or experience, you don’t know it at all.
- Can MAKE CONNECTIONS between old ideas to produce new insights. Combine the little doodles you make on a white board with online video and you get CommonCraft, a new approach to explaining things to people in a way they can easily understand. Sometimes the best solutions are simply two old ideas jammed together.
- Will PUSH THE ENVELOPE in order to expand the boundaries of what is possible. There was a time when no one thought you could make money on the Internet. Now it’s a huge, multi-national business platform. Instead of dividing the world into the possible and impossible, it’s better to merely divide it into the tried and the untried. What have you not tried yet?
- Are willing to TEST new ideas and compete with others based on results. Isn’t that what they mean by the “market of ideas”? Isn’t that what business competition is about? If you’re afraid of being wrong or losing, your creativity will suffer.
These are certainly uncommon traits for most people. But they’re not difficult. Watch how the creative people you know solve problems and deal with projects. You may choose one particularly creative person you admire and, when faced with a problem, ask yourself, “What would so-and-so do in this situation?”
As you begin to “act” like a creative person, you’ll find yourself actually becoming more and more creative. And likely, more and more successful.
About the Author: Dean Rieck is a highly creative and successful direct marketing copywriter. For more copywriting and selling tips, sign up for Dean’s free direct response newsletter or visit the Direct Creative Blog.Monday, 20 July 2009
iQ font - When driving becomes writing
The car movements were tracked using a custom software, designed by interactive artist Zachary Lieberman. ( openframeworks.cc )
Download the font here: nl.toyota.be/iqfont
Friday, 17 July 2009
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Bing. Search by Microsoft.

Four things I really love about Bing (and makes it a supper search engine);
1 - Background image changing everyday "much much better than Google's logo" (sorry)
2- Information about the background "much much better than Google's" (sorry again)
3 - the display of search images "much much better than Google's" (did I already say that?)
4 - and the best yet, the video display WOW!!! I love that the video can play with rollover, isn't that something or what?