Before "Wikipedia", before "how it's made", before "Mythbusters" before even Walt Disney animated classic fairytales ... there was Childcraft The How and Why Library (or translated to Spanish as "el mundo de los niños") Wonderful memories of my childhood, which now I want to pass onto my daughter. Yesterday I bought the 1973 Spanish version of the encyclopedia "el mundo de los niños"
My favorite book was number 11 - Do It Yourself (before I didn't know I was doing D.I.Y
But also the fairytales books, the Nature volume, the travel and the 7 wonders of the ancient word ... oh what a super collection of knowledge, so beautifully crafted , so many amazing illustrations is a truly treasure...
I can't wait to get them home!!!!

La enciclopedia se creo en 1930s by W. F. Quarrie & Company, el titulo original es "Childcraft: The How and Why Library" por los sesenta la enciclopedia ya era muy popular y en los setenta la coleccion se tradujo a diferentes idiomas (entre ellos el castellano) con el titulo El mundo de los niños (editado por Salvat) - pero tambien puedes encontrar versiones de la enciclopedia en Italiano (I QUINDICI) o Frances (editadas por otras editoriales, no salvat)
Hoy en dia World Book sigue editando y modernizando la enciclopedia el ultimo Copyright que aparece es del 2006. contacta directamente con ellos, quizas te puedan orientar mejor donde encontra la enciclopedia con el idioma que prefieres

My favorite book was number 11 - Do It Yourself (before I didn't know I was doing D.I.Y
But also the fairytales books, the Nature volume, the travel and the 7 wonders of the ancient word ... oh what a super collection of knowledge, so beautifully crafted , so many amazing illustrations is a truly treasure...
I can't wait to get them home!!!!

La enciclopedia se creo en 1930s by W. F. Quarrie & Company, el titulo original es "Childcraft: The How and Why Library" por los sesenta la enciclopedia ya era muy popular y en los setenta la coleccion se tradujo a diferentes idiomas (entre ellos el castellano) con el titulo El mundo de los niños (editado por Salvat) - pero tambien puedes encontrar versiones de la enciclopedia en Italiano (I QUINDICI) o Frances (editadas por otras editoriales, no salvat)
Hoy en dia World Book sigue editando y modernizando la enciclopedia el ultimo Copyright que aparece es del 2006. contacta directamente con ellos, quizas te puedan orientar mejor donde encontra la enciclopedia con el idioma que prefieres

hi, i loved this encyclopedia!. I had it as I was a kid, the spanish version 1973. Could you tell me where can i find it ? I'd love to buy it back so my kids could use it one day. Thank you.
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