Projectionists Light Up New York City Buildings, and Protesters' Spirits, with Occupy-Themed Display:
'via Blog this'
Friday, 18 November 2011
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Potty Training:
Potty Training: Take the Potty Training Readiness Quiz | potty training | Parents Connect:
the "nightmare" is about to start... we are approaching the abyss - we don't have an estimated time to ending.. oh Good Lord, HELP US!
'via Blog this'
'via Blog this'
Sunday, 13 November 2011
the kid's bedroom II
the old baby room - we are keeping the dresser & the wardroble, we are going to use bits & pieces from the crib to build up the bunk-beds
building the first bed, here the frame, now finishing the wood-slats
The first bed is ready- very happy with the work
The second or top-bed will be resting over the dresser, it's length will cover just over half of the first (lower bed)
Saturday, 12 November 2011
packing away the restored Baby Pram
This is a sad goodbye, well in reality is more "until I see you again"...we finally dissemblance the beautiful baby Pram (that my parents in law restored when Raquel was born in 2009 - we used two years later for Erik, but now both are way to big to sleep inside the carriage (even when this was originally two sits scrolled baby pram, we used or it was restored as a "baby crib")
It never left our bedroom, even when I felt tempted in more than one occasion to take it outside for a walk. I think my parent's in law did an amazing job, the red circle shows what is left of the old carriage (it also had the year and the maker’s name -But unfortunately we through that away, they only keep the structure - the old iron frame, and they made a new wooden body with fresh lining.
The carriage was (is) so beautiful - I felt so sad to have to pack it away to hide it in the attic ... for ... until... when is need again - probably in 20 years or so... by that time I will be the GRANDMOTHER!!!
Monday, 26 September 2011
Miquel Barceló diseña el cartel
No es que me interese los tauromaquia en particular (y desde luego las corridas me interesan mucho menos), pero no puedo dejar de pasar por alto el hermoso cartel que ha diseñado Miquel Barcelo con motivo de la ultima corrida que se celebro en la Monumental (plaza toros de Barcelona) el 25 de septiembre - con toda razon los 1500 carteles se han convertido en "estrella" del evento y en muy digna memorabilia
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
ZERO, la verdad del 11S
El 22 de julio del 2004 La Comisión Nacional sobre Ataques Terroristas contra Estados Unidos (también conocida como la Comisión 9-11) http://www.9- publicó su informe; una relación completa de las circunstancias que rodearon los ataques terroristas el 11 de septiembre de 2001, incluyendo la preparación y la respuesta inmediata a los ataques y asi mismo proporciono recomendaciones para protegerse de futuros ataques. El dicho informe (en ingles) sigue disponible para su descarga desde este sitio; http://govinfo.library. pdf
El 15 de Juino del 2008 se estrena el documental "Zero - Inchiesta sull'11 settembre" tt1297858/ (tambien conocido como Zero: An Investigation Into 9/11 - o ZERO, la verdad del 11S) dirijido por Franco Fracassi y Francesco Trento, quienes cuestiona el suso dicho informe de la Comision Nacional. En cierto modo la tesis central del documental es que la versión oficial de los acontecimientos que rodearon los atentados del 9 / 11 no es cierta - Para ver el documental - probablemente no lo pongan por la television - seguir este vinculo (dura 1 hora 44 minutos)
Si es cierto o no, que los atentados fueron un trabajo interno, no seria la primera vez que algo tan horrible como esto le sucece a una poblacion en manos de los que la gobiernan, para ello la historia de la humanidad esta llena de ejemplos; en el 64 Nero quemo la mayor parte de Roma, mientras sus habitantes dormian. Entre los siglo 15 y el 18 la inquisicion española torturo y ejecuto a mas de 5000 ciudadanos en nombre de Dios. Incalculables los experimentos que se hicieron en humanos para crear y perfeccionar la raza aria. Se estima que el regimen de Khmer Rouge mato unos 2 millones de Cambollanos en tan solo 4 años (esto es, eliminar 1.370 ciudadanos diariamente) ....
Esta semana sera el 10 aniversario del 11S, tanto si los atques fueron organizados por al qaeda, conspiracion o un trabajo interno, lo unico cierto es que miles de civiles en un mismo dia murieron por culpa de unos individuos sin excrupulos.. que tristemente a dia de hoy siguen sembrando el terror entre la poblacion civil de una manera u otra...
I think both Loose Change or Fahrenheit 9/11 and even Zeitgeist ( ch?v=guXirzknYYE&list=PL78 DF209E9F6950E6&index=7) are very sensationalist, exploiting more the "conspiracy theory" side than the real facts. I felt more informed by the documentary -Zero: An Investigation Into 9/11- and also -In Plane Sight- ch?v=Kkp-PXf_qlk&list=PL78 DF209E9F6950E6&index=11 by David von Kleist, who was one of the first ones to start the questioning ...well the first one was that french with that website "hunt the boeing" get/ /numero13/pentagone/erreur s_en.htm
El 15 de Juino del 2008 se estrena el documental "Zero - Inchiesta sull'11 settembre"
Si es cierto o no, que los atentados fueron un trabajo interno, no seria la primera vez que algo tan horrible como esto le sucece a una poblacion en manos de los que la gobiernan, para ello la historia de la humanidad esta llena de ejemplos; en el 64 Nero quemo la mayor parte de Roma, mientras sus habitantes dormian. Entre los siglo 15 y el 18 la inquisicion española torturo y ejecuto a mas de 5000 ciudadanos en nombre de Dios. Incalculables los experimentos que se hicieron en humanos para crear y perfeccionar la raza aria. Se estima que el regimen de Khmer Rouge mato unos 2 millones de Cambollanos en tan solo 4 años (esto es, eliminar 1.370 ciudadanos diariamente) ....
Esta semana sera el 10 aniversario del 11S, tanto si los atques fueron organizados por al qaeda, conspiracion o un trabajo interno, lo unico cierto es que miles de civiles en un mismo dia murieron por culpa de unos individuos sin excrupulos.. que tristemente a dia de hoy siguen sembrando el terror entre la poblacion civil de una manera u otra...
I think both Loose Change or Fahrenheit 9/11 and even Zeitgeist (
Monday, 5 September 2011
20-N elecciones generales - Herramientas para Informarse
Hola a todos los Españoles que teneis derecho a votar en las proximas elecciones del 20N... como no me puedo estar quieta me he metido a colaborar con voces con futura (aunque esto no es importante), lo importante es que ellos me han mandado un email con mucha informacion y links y entre ellas una collecion de Herramientas para Informarse http://wiki. Herramientas_para_informarse
me ha encantado sobre todo las de a donde van mis impuestos http:// focus=TOTAL&year=2011&view=uk- bubble-chart (pena que no haya mucha mas explicacion aqui)
y otro enlace que tambien me ha gustado mucho es el de los presupuestos municipales (de todos los ayuntamientos Españoles)
aqui va el de Redondela en el 2008 redondela/2008
o el de Madrid (2008) madrid/2008
total que hay cantidad de cosas interesantes por estos enlances: (os estamos vigilando o debate social o foro politico parecen estar bien) pero sobre todo me encanta que la ciudadania se organice y busque nuevas formas de expresar su opinion (aunque parece que a los politicos les sigue dando igual)
ahi os va, el 20N- no les votes http://wiki.nolesvotes. org/w/
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Video Tutoriales de Pintura
Voy a borrar unos archivos del disco duro del ordenador asi, que pense hacer un archivo online, al menos con los vinculos de estos tutoriales de pintura; aunque algunos de los hypervinculos estan equivocados o no se corresponden con el año de emision o grabacion, y incluso a veces l os capitulos estan mezclados.. no se puede pedir de todo... aun asi he decidido ponerlos en el blog como referencia ya que pienso, esta solucion siempre es mejor que nada.
videos turotiales de la primera serie (2007)
videos turotiales de la segunda serie (2008)
videos turotiales de la tercera serie (2009)
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Our house
And now for something completely different... Yesterday we went with the kids to the playground, they had a great time building a house out of plastic bricks.. it was such a lovely little house...
but somehow I think they had much more fun destroying it!!!
Kinetic Typography
Kinetic Typography (animated or dynamic text);
I made this video (using adobe after effect) a while back (in 2009), but I still like the over all result.
I made this video (using adobe after effect) a while back (in 2009), but I still like the over all result.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
System Error - Democracy NOT found
Here is my contribution to "Civil Disobedience"
Feel free to copy, use or distribute this image (as long as it is not for economical gain). You can also download the Poster (compressed .rar file of 7MB). Follow this link to access the Spanish version.

System Error - Democracy NOT found by bequi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at
Error del sistema - Democracia NO se encuentra
Esta es mi contribucion a la "Desobediencia Civil" (o desobediencia ciudadana)
Eres libre de copiar, usar o distribuir esta imagen (siempre y cuando no sea para beneficio economico). Tambien puedes descargar el Poster (archivo comprimido .rar de 7MB). Sigue este vinculo para acceder a la version en Ingles.
ERROR DEL SISTEMA - DEMOCRACIA NO SE ENCUENTRA por bequi bajo licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). Basado en un projecto a
All Is Not Lost (OK Go)
OK Go x Pilobolus - "All Is Not Lost" #notlost
Steve Jobs Resigns as Apple CEO
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... NOOOOOOOOO ... NOOOOOOOOO, respect for the man... no that I really own an apple product... no actually, now that I come to think about it, I don't own anything made by Macintosh, but that doesn't matter... Steve Jobs has always being an inspiration (well maybe not such much his dress-code or the over famous black turtleneck), but his vision; design, empowering people, usability & then his persona and the eternal fight with Cancer...
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Monday, 15 August 2011
y ahora unas nociones de economia
Estoy recopilando informacion, sobre la actual crisis economica, he visto un par de documentales y peliculas interesantes, que recomiendo ver a todo el mundo; Inside job, "Los bancos han dado un golpe de Estado", Españistan y El Concursante).
De momento os dejo con estas caricaturas politicas, duras pero tan reales como actuales, para reflexionar aunque sea tan solo por un momento.
Me empieza a doler la cabeza, como cuando sabes que se avecina tormenta, pero no sabes muy bien donde resguardarme y esta tormenta parece que va a ser de las fuertes ...
que es lo que he aprendido hasta ahora?... bueno, pues la verdad me siento como un aprendiz; ecomista o banquero o inversor (creo que estoy intentando descubrir la rueda, o quizas la luna).. no hago mas que darle vueltas a la informacion y aun no se que hacer... claro estoy intentando salvar mis ahorros, conseguir el mejor "precio" por mi dinero, pero claro no soy la unica, NI LA PRIMERA... estoy intentanto descubrir el error del sistema y utilizarlo a mi favor
y si compraramos/invirtieramos en joyeria? Adin tiene piezas muy bonitas.. pero muy caras, al valor economico de los metales preciosos (puede haber hasta un 30% añadido) el valor del diseño artistico, el valor de la antiguedad, sin olvidarnos el valor (beneficio) del marchante ni el valor de los impuestos... y luego esta el que a lo mejor no puedemos vender ni al mismo precio que las compramos?... me imagino ir al supermercado con un par de diamantes sueltos de cambio... jajaja, que cara pondria la cajera!
Luego tambien pensamos en cambiar nuestros "fiat euros" en buillon (para ser mas exactos en 999 silver bullion (al parecer el precio de la plata no esta tan despedido como el del oro), he llegado hasta la pagina de la fabrica de la moneda Austriaca donde ademas de "fabricar" los euros de Austria, tambien acuñan la moneda conmemorativa de la Filarmonica de Vienna (esta que se ve en la foto), a que es bonita? (pues cada pieza cuesta a dia de hoy 35 euros la unidad - y digo a "dia de hoy", por que la plata como el oro cambia de precio diariamente (a esto le llaman "fluctuar"- (En realidad el valor de la plata que contiene, (1 onza -o algo mas de 31 gramos por moneda- ) y que "hoy en dia" es de 28 euros... bueno y entonces por que tanta diferencia, entre el precio de venta y el precio real del material? quien se queda con los otros 7 euros que faltan? ... pues el gobierno de Austria, el marchante que te las vende y el gobierno del pais donde tengas que pagar impuestos de compra (aqui el 19%) - asi puedes llegar a pagar hasta un 23% mas del valor real del metal.
Digamos por ejemplo que el precio de la plata este dia esta a 1 gramo de plata por 1 euro, por esa simple regla 1000 euros serian 1000 gramos o 1 kilo de plata verdad? pues NO, si quieres comprar 1 kilo de plata tendrias que pagar 1233 euros, o lo que es lo mismo si conviertes "1000 euros" en plata en realidad tu te llevarias a casa 777 gramos... (osea que derrepente ya te han ROBADO 233 euros o 233 GRAMOS de plata como quieras mirarlo, entre dos gobiernos y un marchante, Te han tingado!) porque si de verdad tu quieres vender tu plata, a ti el gobierno (o el banco, o el marchante) te la va a comprar al precio del mercado o sea a 1 centimo (y no al 1,23 que pagastes) y si la quieres vender a un particular, el particular te dira porque va a comprar tu plata a 1,23 cuando el precio del mercado esta a 1 y ademas a ese precio tambien se la vende el banco y el marchante).
Yo sigo intentando discurrir como podria recuperar mis "233 euros", osea comprar "plata" al precio real (o lo mas cercano) al precio real del mercado. aqui estoy intentando inventar "la rueda"... (ni que decir tiene que NO lo he conseguido). Lo ideal seria desgrabar los impuestos, pero claro (eso solo lo pueden hacer - si tienes empresa, o los bancos o los gobiernos) o sea que volvemos a la misma.
Piensa en esto, tu trabajas y pagas impuestos (el gobierno te lo quita del sueldo (pero el dinero que entra en tu cuenta de banco ya "esta libre de impuestos") hasta que compres algo con este dinero... a partir de aqui todo lo que compres tiene incluido UN IMPUESTO - del sueldo te quitan (gobierno) un 33% (este dinero no se ni a donde va, dicen que para mi pension... ya veremos y luego todo lo que compres tiene incluido un 19%... osea que de lo que tu trabajas 52% se lo llevan... no se ni quien se lo lleva, ni para que se lo lleva... pero a mi me dejan sin la mitad de mi dinero... luego tengo que pagar aparte mi seguro medico (si esto son los Paises Bajos)
Hace un año mi hermana me conto, que mi madre, va todos los meses a "cobrar al banco"; retira todo su dinero de la cuenta en un dia y se lo lleva para casa- como hacian antiguamente los pensionistas (nuestros abuelos). nosotras nos reimos por supuesto, porque esto es absurdo ya que nosotos ahora dejamos el dinero en la cuenta y luego ya vendran las facturas... pero ahora no hago mas que darle vuelta y creo que nuestros mayores, si sabian de dinero, si sabian del valor real de las cosas, de lo que compraban y que lo que hacian no era absurdo, sino REAL y necesario...
vivimos en un mundo irreal, el dinero no tiene el valor real - sino el valor que el gobierno deciden, lo que compramos (o el precio que pagamos por los productos) no tiene el valor real (ni de costo, ni de margen de ventas) sino que es un valor irreal que las corporaciones han decidido (y muchas veces pactado)
Estaba intentando recordar la ultima vez que toque el dinero fisicamente (billetes/monedas) fue hace mas de dos semanas... con la tarjeta maestro, es tan comodo pagar que ya dejas de tocar el dinero y derrepente es como que el dinero es irreal.. te pagan por banco y tu pagas en plastico.. las facturas llegan por banco y no sabes ni lo que pagas... siempre y cuando haya saldo
se avecina tormenta, ...y yo todavia no se si comprar paraguas, chubasquero o quedarme en un bunquer bajo tierra...
De momento os dejo con estas caricaturas politicas, duras pero tan reales como actuales, para reflexionar aunque sea tan solo por un momento.
Me empieza a doler la cabeza, como cuando sabes que se avecina tormenta, pero no sabes muy bien donde resguardarme y esta tormenta parece que va a ser de las fuertes ...
que es lo que he aprendido hasta ahora?... bueno, pues la verdad me siento como un aprendiz; ecomista o banquero o inversor (creo que estoy intentando descubrir la rueda, o quizas la luna).. no hago mas que darle vueltas a la informacion y aun no se que hacer... claro estoy intentando salvar mis ahorros, conseguir el mejor "precio" por mi dinero, pero claro no soy la unica, NI LA PRIMERA... estoy intentanto descubrir el error del sistema y utilizarlo a mi favor
y si compraramos/invirtieramos en joyeria? Adin tiene piezas muy bonitas.. pero muy caras, al valor economico de los metales preciosos (puede haber hasta un 30% añadido) el valor del diseño artistico, el valor de la antiguedad, sin olvidarnos el valor (beneficio) del marchante ni el valor de los impuestos... y luego esta el que a lo mejor no puedemos vender ni al mismo precio que las compramos?... me imagino ir al supermercado con un par de diamantes sueltos de cambio... jajaja, que cara pondria la cajera!

Digamos por ejemplo que el precio de la plata este dia esta a 1 gramo de plata por 1 euro, por esa simple regla 1000 euros serian 1000 gramos o 1 kilo de plata verdad? pues NO, si quieres comprar 1 kilo de plata tendrias que pagar 1233 euros, o lo que es lo mismo si conviertes "1000 euros" en plata en realidad tu te llevarias a casa 777 gramos... (osea que derrepente ya te han ROBADO 233 euros o 233 GRAMOS de plata como quieras mirarlo, entre dos gobiernos y un marchante, Te han tingado!) porque si de verdad tu quieres vender tu plata, a ti el gobierno (o el banco, o el marchante) te la va a comprar al precio del mercado o sea a 1 centimo (y no al 1,23 que pagastes) y si la quieres vender a un particular, el particular te dira porque va a comprar tu plata a 1,23 cuando el precio del mercado esta a 1 y ademas a ese precio tambien se la vende el banco y el marchante).
Yo sigo intentando discurrir como podria recuperar mis "233 euros", osea comprar "plata" al precio real (o lo mas cercano) al precio real del mercado. aqui estoy intentando inventar "la rueda"... (ni que decir tiene que NO lo he conseguido). Lo ideal seria desgrabar los impuestos, pero claro (eso solo lo pueden hacer - si tienes empresa, o los bancos o los gobiernos) o sea que volvemos a la misma.
Piensa en esto, tu trabajas y pagas impuestos (el gobierno te lo quita del sueldo (pero el dinero que entra en tu cuenta de banco ya "esta libre de impuestos") hasta que compres algo con este dinero... a partir de aqui todo lo que compres tiene incluido UN IMPUESTO - del sueldo te quitan (gobierno) un 33% (este dinero no se ni a donde va, dicen que para mi pension... ya veremos y luego todo lo que compres tiene incluido un 19%... osea que de lo que tu trabajas 52% se lo llevan... no se ni quien se lo lleva, ni para que se lo lleva... pero a mi me dejan sin la mitad de mi dinero... luego tengo que pagar aparte mi seguro medico (si esto son los Paises Bajos)
Hace un año mi hermana me conto, que mi madre, va todos los meses a "cobrar al banco"; retira todo su dinero de la cuenta en un dia y se lo lleva para casa- como hacian antiguamente los pensionistas (nuestros abuelos). nosotras nos reimos por supuesto, porque esto es absurdo ya que nosotos ahora dejamos el dinero en la cuenta y luego ya vendran las facturas... pero ahora no hago mas que darle vuelta y creo que nuestros mayores, si sabian de dinero, si sabian del valor real de las cosas, de lo que compraban y que lo que hacian no era absurdo, sino REAL y necesario...
vivimos en un mundo irreal, el dinero no tiene el valor real - sino el valor que el gobierno deciden, lo que compramos (o el precio que pagamos por los productos) no tiene el valor real (ni de costo, ni de margen de ventas) sino que es un valor irreal que las corporaciones han decidido (y muchas veces pactado)
Estaba intentando recordar la ultima vez que toque el dinero fisicamente (billetes/monedas) fue hace mas de dos semanas... con la tarjeta maestro, es tan comodo pagar que ya dejas de tocar el dinero y derrepente es como que el dinero es irreal.. te pagan por banco y tu pagas en plastico.. las facturas llegan por banco y no sabes ni lo que pagas... siempre y cuando haya saldo
se avecina tormenta, ...y yo todavia no se si comprar paraguas, chubasquero o quedarme en un bunquer bajo tierra...
Sunday, 7 August 2011
20 Years Ago Today: The First Website Is Published
...that was August 6, 1991
Even so, my first time.. I will never forget it! September 1996, I was with Eoin, in a small room at St John's Central College Cork where I was a student... Yes Eoin, he was the first one to introduce me...
... to the internet...
... my very first time...

Yes, at that time internet pages or sites - consisted mainly of white pages with black text and blue hyperlinks, maybe even some small colour graphics or tiny pictures, if you were lucky enough to have a speedy-conexion, you might even be able to see animated gifs on your screen, ..the simple things of life... how wonderful!
I designed my first website (multimedia kiosk) by 1997 and I built my first site by 1998 (even so these were nothing more than college's project)
By the way, I always find it really cool to search the internet archive, to see the retrospective of how internet used to look & feel (way way way way back....)
... to the internet...
... my very first time...

Yes, at that time internet pages or sites - consisted mainly of white pages with black text and blue hyperlinks, maybe even some small colour graphics or tiny pictures, if you were lucky enough to have a speedy-conexion, you might even be able to see animated gifs on your screen, ..the simple things of life... how wonderful!
I designed my first website (multimedia kiosk) by 1997 and I built my first site by 1998 (even so these were nothing more than college's project)
By the way, I always find it really cool to search the internet archive, to see the retrospective of how internet used to look & feel (way way way way back....)
Friday, 5 August 2011
responsive web design
A few weeks back (in BUZZ), Peter shared a quite interesting link The site contains a curated collection of responsive web designs and is aptly named after a feature of CSS3 which is called Media Queries. You can sort the list of sites by date or popularity and get inspired.
I have to give a "thumbs up" to Peter, as he also gave me an other really cool tip with his link to Powerful New CSS Techniques and Tools, as always, he is ahead of my curve.. (Damn it! how much I "hate" developers)
I have to give a "thumbs up" to Peter, as he also gave me an other really cool tip with his link to Powerful New CSS Techniques and Tools, as always, he is ahead of my curve.. (Damn it! how much I "hate" developers)

Friday, 29 July 2011
Anohito and "Susanna’s" death (decoding the epilogue of Candy Candy Final Story)
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Candy and her doubts ... anohito, anohito, who is anohito?
... hahaha ... I cannot help but to laugh when looking at this comic strip. But, I am also wondering “who” anohito is? "Anohito (= That person)." Who is HE, (the ONE who won Candy’s heart in the end)?
Over the last few months I finally had the time to watch Candy Candy the compleate animated series - (bless the Internet (YouTube) and "file sharing"), Candy Candy playlist1 (from chapter 1 to 99) and Candy Candy's playlist2 Chapter 100 to 115 & movie (these links are in spanish dob)
Anyhow, I always remembered that those illustrations in the manga/comics books were far much nicer, I spend so many summer afternoons at my neighbor’s Marga (the poor thing was recovering from a hip surgery) and while I was visiting her, I would also “devoured” her comics of Candy Candy with my reading... so making a new internet search I came across Candy Candy manga (shame I cannot find these in colour - and yes, by all means the Manga/Comic (fantastic work by Yumiko Igarashi) has more quality than the TV series, and one can understand the end/outcome far much better ... when I was on my teens I couldn't grasp the concept on why Candy will end-up with the "old-fellow" (it had to be Anthony or Terry – as those two were of our age – I always hoped for Anthony to be "alive" in some way or another !!, after reading the comic 20 years later ... I understand far much better than the" Prince on Pony’s Hill" was always the only option ...
Well, apparently that was not all... no, Kyoko Mizuki, legal author of Candy Candy, has just edited and added more information on CANDY CANDY FINAL STORY , to tie-up (if they were any) loose ends. As far as I understand, this new edition is only available in Japan (but in some forums (unofficial) translations of selected pages from the novel are now emerging)
From what I’ve been able to read thanks to these free translations (LA BITACORA (FORO ROSA) - is that, Candy now on her 30’s lives happily in England with a man she loves "Anohito (that person/HE)" ... the problem is that she (Candy) throughout the novel, never names "that person" by his first name ... at this time we should also distinguish what is "objective" from what is “subjective or speculative” (until we get an official translation)... but I can not stop thinking about a naughty Mizuki laughing at the conclusions confused fans all over the world are drawing ...Daffodils= that means He is Terry. The colour blue= he is Albert. The books of Shakespeare= HE is Terry. CAR= Albert because HE is always driving. BLANK PAGES = Terry. Candy into his arms = Albert ... All this completed with "solid" arguments .. and so it is, that the heat is on.
And who is "HE"?
Why is that Candy never pronounces the real name of Anohito (being him, Terry or Albert)? Why is that she is not clear? After 30 years, does the author want to leave an open ending? I doubt it. I'm not going to analyze Candy’s words; what is she telling us during the novel or try to find clues as if “this” or “that” person comes out of her lips, because in reality I think Mizuki is the key, she is who wrote the novel and she is the one who manipulates Candy to guide us thought out the book, thus then, let’s follow Mizuki steps.
The first thing that we notice is the construction of the novel; the rhythm of the reading that the author forces us to follow, we shouldn’t forget that Mizuki is an experience writer/poetess and everything that appears before our eyes is not by accident but instead, it has been calculated & premeditated beforehand. Thus, she divides the book into the following sections: PROLOGUE, 1st PART, 2nd PART, 3rd PART and EPILOGUE. Point out that I am going to read a linear story, that of a traditional structure (with an introduction, a development and an end).
· In the prologue (introduction) - Candy in her present, writes from England to sister Mary and Miss Pony (who is recovering at Pony’s Hill) this allows Candy to recall her memories, introducing the reader in the novel’s nostalgic flow.
· Sections 1, 2 and 3 - (novel's body), Candy is directing the reader, she thinks/remembers/comments, inviting us into her world. She is the one who guides us combining present & past, (sometimes) aided by a “little box of treasures” where she keeps letters, clippings and other memories ... she looks back with nostalgia to that “past” or loved ones who are now gone, in summary, this is a resume of her adventures and misadventures, combining it with her current situation. The tempo is romantic but melancholic, sometimes even depressive until our reading is interrupted, we are confronted with a few blank pages - and a love note from Terry (sensitive and melancholic) followed again by other blank pages until starts
· The epilogue (outcome and final) - here we are presented with a collection of letters (a correspondence between Albert and Candy - and one letter more from Candy to Anthony ... the rhythm of the book seems to change, still melancholic and sensitive, but is also cheerful and with hopes. Finally there is one last paragraph where Candy comes back from her thoughts to the present, collects her memories and once again stores away her little box of treasures, at the moment "Anohito" arrives home, she runs into his arms - transferring emotion and happiness to the reader (the end).
From now on, I will continue with a subjective analyses (but as I have mentioned before, so far I've only read bits and pieces and loose translations, probably all this, will make more sense once I can read an original copy with an official translation, but for now I'll have to wait (like most of us).
The first thing that got my attention was "Susanna'death" (this event alone, holds two epilogues at the same time) and is key to the story. Death is an epilogue in itself - is the end of life (Susanna's life) but is also an epilogue to the relationship Terry/Susanna (and so it also doesn't exists an obstacle that prevents Candy/Terry to be together). This information is very important and at first I was surprised that it wasn't included in the epilogue (outcome) of the novel, but finally I didn't give much of a thought as I understood the narrative was linear/following a chronological order... until I read someone's comment in a forum where they verified that the correspondence with Albert is prior to Susanna's death and which Mizuki included in the epilogue.
This new fact made me think... why is that Mizuki needs to create an epilogue/section in the novel but then she avoids to include an information as obvious as "Susanna's death? Does she need "two epilogues"? But what's more, now I also know that Mizuki, first creates the events in a chronological order (that she planed) to later deliberately mixed them up in the narrative (creating, thus two different dimensions in the novel, one is chronological (time) and the other one is narrative (story)). And why is that she needs to re-arrange the order of time (past/present) of the events? Why doesn't she create the events directly in the order she wants to narrate them? What is she communicating in reality?
Let's name those events in order (chronological dimension);
Candy meets the "Prince." She is adopted. She falls in love with Anthony but he dies. She falls in love with Terry, but he stays with Susanna. She discovers that her friend Albert is also her protector "Uncle William" and the Prince of the hill. Susanna dies. Terry writes a love note. Candy lives happily with Anohito (end)
Now let's see the same events in the order Mizuki "forces us" to read them, (under a narrative dimension);
Candy meets the "Prince." She is adopted. She falls in love with Anthony but he dies. She falls in love with Terry, but he stays with Susanna. Candy reflects over Susanna's death. Love note from Terry ---- Epilogue Correspondence with Albert and letter to Anthony. Candy in Anohito's arms (end)
Why didn't Mizuki include the information about Susana's death in the book's epilogue? (under the chronological dimension and by logic, this is its right place), but in the narrative dimension Mizuki "deliberately" excludes it from the epilogue and instead includes previous events. Is Mizuki pulling off some kind of magic trick?
OK, let’s go step by step.. we need to remember that Mizuki created the character/accident of Susanna to prevent the relationship between Terry-Candy to continue. So, why to "kill" NOW Susanna's character? As one possibility I am thinking; if Susanna is alive, even in the remote event that Terry would abandone her, Candy, still, will never take him back. But if Mizuki eliminates Susanna, Candy can "choose", Mizuki finally gives her "free will" to decide.
Let's understand now the options that Mizuki has (under a narrative dimension) on how to communicate to the reader the relevance of "Susanna's death";
a) (to modify the time dimension) "on purpose " to include the information, "Susanna dies" in the epilogue (in a narrative dimension would indicate) Terry is probably Anohito.
b) (without altering the time dimension) the information, "Susanna dies" follows in the epilogue (in a narrative dimension indicates) this fact is relevant -it may be Terry- (this is the right option -but Mizuki decides otherwise).
c) (without altering the time dimension) "Susanna dies" doesn’t follow in the epilogue (in a narrative dimension would mean) this fact might or might not influence Candy on her choice (for Anohito).
d) (to modify the time dimension - this is what Mizuki decides to do-) "on purpose" to exclude the information "Susanna dies" from the epilogue (indicates in the narrative) this information is irrelevant to Candy.
Susanna's death (as that of Stear) is sad, but is not decisive to Candy. So what? maybe Susanna's death is irrelevant to Candy, but still, this doesn't exclude Terry as a possibility to be Anohito. True, this fact alone doesn't do much, but it is peculiar that Mizuki swaps the chronological & narrative dimensions of 4 key elements to the novel's development. First, let's analyze the content of these 4 events (following their true chronological order)
(We know beforehand, that Terry (must) stays with Susanna, thus breaking Candy's heart)
1. Correspondence with Albert in Candy - these letters are written immediately after Albert reveals Candy his other identities, he is "Uncle William" but also "the prince of Pony's hill". In their exchange of letters, we can see how Candy & Albert are getting closer, intimate, we feel sincerity, friendship, complicity, perhaps even something more ... but especially we notice a cheerful Candy, excited, full of energy and optimistic.
2. Candy (in a self analysis) writes a letter to Anthony (if this doesn't make me cry I don't know what else will do) .. the content of this mail is very sad and sensitive, Candy reflects over her life - a mixture of laughs and tears- and looks with hope to her future because she knows no matter what the destiny brings she will always go on, and asks Anthony that wherever he is, to keep protecting her.
3. Susanna dies
4. (18 months after Susanna's death) Candy received a love note/declaration from Terry, the content is melancholy, Terry reproaches himself something like "sorry it took me so long, I didn't have courage before, but if you want me I'm still here as my feelings for you haven't change"
But, instead, in which order is Mizuki "feeding" the information to the reader? Why does she need to create events in an other to later on "cut them from the past" and paste them into a "future"? what is really transmitting? Let's look once more to the narrative dimension we are "forced" to follow (under Mizuki's design).
1. Candy reflects on Susanna's death = "I'm sorry for her"
Blank pages (meditation / reflection) = and now what?
2. love note from Terry (he still loves me, he is awaiting on reply)
Blank pages (meditation / reflection) = and now what?
---- Epilogue ----
3. Correspondence with Albert, (starting to smile, life is not so bad surrounded by friends)
4. Letter to Anthony (I'll heal, it's gong to be tough but I'll make it, give me strength and look after me)
Straightaway, under a narrative prespective, Anthony's letter is key to "Terry's good-bye", not so much in its content, but in its context (within the epilogue). Mizuki specifically cuts the letter from the "past" (passing it "over" Susanna's death and Terry's note) and pastes it into a more actual "present", giving new value to the letter, in other words - Mizuki manipulates the letter's time-dimension, so it gains new power in the narrative-dimension - thus creating a sandwich;
(Under a chronological perspective, this is what really happened)
· Letter Anthony = I am going to heal my heart, I'll put my past behind, I'll be strong ...
· Susanna dies/Terry's note = .. sorry I'm late ... but I still love you
(But under a narrative perspective, this is what Mizuki "forces" us to read)
· Susanna dies/Terry's note = .. sorry I'm late ... but I still love you
· Response/Candy's reaction to Terry's note = (Letter Anthony) I will continue recovering, I'll be strong
By now we also know that Candy has "free will", Mizuki is telling us that Candy is not with Terry because she can't (Susanna's obstruction), but instead because she "doesn't want to" be with him.
If the letter to Anthony wasn't in the narrative dimension of the Epilogue, the connotation would be that this is nothing else that one of the many letters Candy writes, without major consequences, but once altered of its true chronological order and included in the epilogue, this letter has connotation of "full stop" to the relationship or any chance to go back with Terry "things once lost will never return." Candy had already begun the process Terry's detox before he even writes his love note, probably even before Susanna died, Susanna was already irrelevant to Candy...but Anthony's letter is not only a farewell to Terry ...
Suddenly I had a revelation, "IWE"! (Iwe, is the dog of my in-laws) actually they did not know how to call the dog, so they named it "Iwe"(which in Swahili language means "(he) IS"-that exists). Candy may well not tell us Anohito's real name ... because she doesn't really know how to call him ... and this only occurs ... well ...
Then Albert is Anohito ? -No -no? -NO!
Let's concentrate once again in the epilogue's section, if Mizuki wanted to tell us that Albert is Anohito, she might suggested something like this;
1. Letter to Anthony (I will heal my heart, life goes on)
2. Correspondence with Albert (answers and to know him better)
3. I'm happy with Anohito
And just in case this wasn't enough, Albert also confirms this in his letters to Candy, "do not call me father," "do not call me prince", "do not call me uncle" "I wanted so much to be Albert" "If I could only be Albert" This person wants to be someone else but he can not. Albert is "sacrificed "to make way for William (someone who he doesn't want to be) and meanwhile Candy keeps calling "him" Albert, in reality, Albert no longer "exists" - because now he must be William. The correspondence between Albert & Candy is "I WANT" (I want to see you, I want to talk to you, I want to ...) but "I CAN NOT" (if I could...) Albert doesn't give any commitment, he doesn't confess his love, his feelings, or anything else relevant, because he knows there is no much point on it now that he the patriarch.
In the correspondence Candy/Albert, Mizuki gets rid of three possibilities at once;
1. The Prince on the hill = The platonic love, unreal and idealistic, a teenager who "grow up" to make way for
2. Albert = A wanderer without a past, the friend/brother, that "evolved" to make way for
3. William = the busy businessman, the patriarch/protector
Well, but then William is .... finally discarded ... in the following paragraph (Anthony's letter) ... "I realized that even when some people are alive, we are doomed to be separated".... and finally I saw it ... Mizuki had just created an "OTHER SUSANNA" another obstacle, this time to prevent any possible romance between William and Candy. This "susanna" had been there from the beginning (probably from birth) but "she" becomes present in the same moment that "Albert" changes into "William "- Was it "her" from whom the Prince was trying to escape? Was it "her" from whom Albert was trying to hide? wanting to be someone else, to dream, to be free for a moment perhaps, even denying it, even so, Albert was aware of his own destiny. Was it "her" that prevented Albert from saying "I Love You Candy"? .. and those silences ... those half words ... those unfinished sentences....
And you Candy? You saw her too .. "she" finally became visible, right? there, in the "hall of portraits" now you too could feel her presence ... You wanted so badly to see Albert, to talk to him close, you seemed so happy in your letters, so exited ... "But unlike Rosemary, he can not marry for love, he can not leave the family name, because" He "is the NAME" and then you realized it, .. "She" was there in the middle, as the abyss, .. and "she" was the one restraining him (to confess you his love) ... "once again "SUSANNA" SCREWED YOU UP”
And if anyone doubts the "power" that "she" has, as sample it was the opposition to Annie-Archie's marriage." Yes! "She" is all powerful, there she is always present, constantly reminding you who you really are, pointing at your real status, "He is aristocrat and you an abandon child (maybe even a bastard)"... to be close but never "together" (so powerless). At least Terry had said "I Love You," at least Albert "pretended" to be free, but William, William won't even open his mouth, what for? his words won't have consequences, "Susanna" always omnipresent, is there to stop him. This "susanna" is not just any woman, a woman would have been easier to endure, this "susanna" is even worse, this "susanna" is "He", is his "PERSON" & everything IT stands for ... to be "SIR WILLIAM A. ARDLEY"
... And when you realize how hopeless you were, Candy, what did you do next? sought comfort in a "DEATH ONE", you wrote a letter to Anthony ... this wonderful letter (pure poetry, full of symbolism) I'll forgive myself everything (my background) ... I won't judge myself (social class) ... give me strength, care for me ...., Anthony be my guardian angel ... saying goodbye in this letter to three loves ... the pain of having lost Anthony, the pain of having lost Terry, the pain of having lost Albert ... Burying the past and looking in hope to the future ... until the sweet Candy flourish once more.
Mizuki, did it again! under a narrative prespective, Anthony's letter is key to "William's good-bye" and in the context of the epilogue is "full stop" to him or any chance of having a relationship.
Years went by ...meditation/reflection ... But then ... Who is Anohito?
The clue is still in Anthony's letter ... The "other two" had failed ... and your Anthony, in the event you were still alive, would you also have failed? ... "Who knows what kind of man would you have become if you were still alive?" ... a grownup Anthony?... a man in love, stable, with time for Candy, who can offer her a future, strong but also kind personality, physically attractive, well dressed, smart, educated, polite, probably with a liberal profession and a hobby in nature ....
but ... but we know this is a paradox, impossible ... Oh ... Mizuki so much pain ... Anthony is dead and the other "possibility" that could come "closer" to him (in physical appearance and personality) ... doesn't exist!
HE CANNOT EXIST! NO! ..unless Mizuki, "kills" the''susanna" that is left. The man tied to legacy, to honor the name, the responsibilities, the commitments, the social class, constantly under pressure & controlled always traveling, and .. and there is nothing in the novel that tells me this is going to be any different, Sir William A. Ardley spent half of his life between his Chicago's office and Lakewood ..and Lakewood ... Ardley's manor house ...Ardley's manor house, is now sold to other hands? "sold? now? This is relatively recent, is part of the immediate present and is how Candy started to remember ... But why will Sir William do something like that? Why to sell it? Businesses are going wrong? have someone repossessed his property? Poor Sir William, something terrible must have happened, he would never get rid of the house at his own will, the house is part of the legacy like the tradition, ... like the responsibilities .. like ... is like ... telling me ... "Susanna" has died ...
There is nothing that restrains Candy from starting a new life next to a man she is discovering, a man in love, that I can imagine, a “grownup Anthony” ... probably he has kept Ardley as his surname, but maybe now he is called Bill, or Wills, or Al, or Bert, or perhpas his real name is indeed Anohito ... Maybe he is a lawyer, or a journalist, or perhaps a vet ... Maybe he has shaved his head, or he has gray hair or even a mustache ... But is still him, with those wonderful eyes, that amazing smile and those strong protective arms.
In short, in the present, Candy lives with a man she loves .. (Perhaps Terry? Probably Anohito Ardley? I dismiss Archie? I doubt is George? I can not imagine is Michael? I hope isn’t Tom? I wouldn’t bet on Niel? .. Stear is eliminated? And I refuse to believe that Candy has a ghostly relationship with Anthony ?-)... but whoever THAT PERSON = ANOHITO" is the one who helped Candy to find true happiness" ...
Dedicate it to my children, and specially to my husband "for letting me to waste time"
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